Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So long My bad!

So, first off I would like to scold myself for skiving off on my duties as a recent Blogger. And also call Kinky, Tesha, and Kelsey unto repentance as well! Come on girls! I need to know whats happening in your lives!
It has been a very long and interesting summer, full of twists and turns.
At the very beginning I had decided to return to Washington State and try to find a job there, settle down, be near the family. However when the time came, I couldn't bring myself to leave the Shannendoah Valley. So I stayed. Thinking it would only be for the summer. Then something traumatic happened, (ok well not really that traumatic, but bad enough for me and my pathetic life) and my plans were no longer so solid.
I pulled through it though, and so I stayed.

I spent a week in Maine with my good friend Kathryn Hinds, and that was a cold wet blast! But mostly I have just been working my tail end off for the school in Admissions/Annual Fund.
The weather has been so beautiful and exciting, I have never seen so many thunder and lightening storms in my entire life! SVU's very own Main Hall has already been hit this summer, and the bolt that struck it seemed as if it was right outside my house it was so loud.
Now the plan is this: Kathryn and I are both looking for jobs in Roanoke, since both of us would love nothing more to stay in the area but get out of the Beeve. After we both get jobs, then we will move down there into a shabby little cheap apartment with kindergarten nap mats for beds and boxes for tables, and rope for a closet! Should be exciting!
So wish us luck for that!